
Our Vision Statement

In Six Navy we are like a train. We are sustaining and maintaining our journey this year as leaders. On a train you never look back but you’re full steam ahead because the wheels never stop.

Like a train everyone in our class has a job to do. Everyone needs to do their work to ensure we have a great year. On a train the conductor keeps the train on time and keeps it on track. If we all work hard we will achieve our best and be leaders of our school ready for 2013.  Miss Gibson is going to keep challenging us and we are going to keep working hard, just like the driver keeps stocking the fire with coal to keep the train moving.

While our train is on the track to reach our destination, we will make stops at stations along the way to get what we need. This year we will stop to get help with our learning, stop to ensure we are trying our best, stop to take advantage of every learning opportunity we can and lastly stop to take time to develop our leadership skills.

This year the Six Navy train will be carrying some very important cargo. Cargo that is necessary for us to reach our goal and sustain our journey.
This cargo is:  
1.     Have positive attitudes that help us to achieve our best.
2.     Challenge people to work hard, be organised and do the right thing.
3.     Be well behaved, sensible and follow instructions.
4.     Always be focused and respect others and their things.

All of these things will help us to sustain our goal of being leaders in 2012.
Six Navy All aboard!